Rules of the Game: Student Advocacy - Alliance for Justice

Rules of the Game: Student Advocacy


Susan Finkle-Sourlis, Monika Graham, Alexandra Roseberry


Ballot Measures, Community Organizing, Election Related Activities

In this episode of the podcast, we explore the importance of student advocacy and voting. Additionally, we discuss how 501(c)(3) organizations can engage in advocacy efforts during election season. Joining us today is Ally, our Bolder Advocacy legal intern, to answer questions about the impact of student advocacy on campus.

Our Hosts for this Episode:

On-Campus Advocacy Culture

  • On-Campus Activities
  • Voter Laws and Students
  • Getting Involved With Advocacy as a Student

How Nonprofits Can Participate in Nonpartisan Voting Education

  • Voter Registration Programs
  • Encouraging Voting
  • Polling Information

How 501(c)(3)s Can Engage During Election Season

  • Issue Advocacy
  • Candidate Education
  • Voter Education
  • Voter Engagement
  • Ballot Measures
  • Private Foundations

Student Organizations and Youth Groups 

  • Rhizome
  • Youth on Root
