The Lasting Damage of Trump Judges: How They’re Reshaping America - Alliance for Justice

The Lasting Damage of Trump Judges: How They’re Reshaping America

Trump’s judges are making America less free, less fair, and less safe. From stripping away reproductive rights to undermining worker protections and democracy itself, their rulings put powerful interests over people — again and again. Here’s how their decisions are impacting our lives.

With Trump back in the White House, the damage from his judicial appointments is only getting worse. During his first term, he stacked the courts with 234 federal judges, including three Supreme Court justices — Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett — shifting the judiciary sharply to the right. These judges, handpicked with the help of conservative groups like the Federalist Society, have consistently ruled in favor of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyday people — workers, consumers, LGBTQ+ communities, people of color, women, and immigrants. They have eroded fundamental rights and protections — weakening voting rights, environmental safeguards, corporate accountability, and the constitutional checks and balances that keep executive power in check.

Now, in his second term, Trump is set to expand his grip on the courts even further. Proposed legislation like the JUDGES Act could add 66 new judgeships, giving him even more opportunities to cement a conservative stranglehold on the judiciary. Meanwhile, speculation about Supreme Court retirements could lead to even more far-right justices, solidifying a conservative supermajority for decades.

This series of fact sheets breaks down how Trump’s first-term judges are actively rolling back our rights — from economic justice to reproductive freedom to the future of our democracy. Stay informed. Spread the word. Join the fight for fair courts.

Labor & Economic Justice
  • Trump-appointed judges vote for corporations and against working people.
  • These judges are undermining wage protections, weakening unions, and restricting access to justice for employees facing discrimination and exploitation.
  • These actions not only hurt workers and consumers but our economy.
View/download the factsheet here.
Racial Justice & Immigration
  • Trump-appointed judges are undermining protections against racial and ethnic discrimination and making it more difficult to bring challenges under the rules that remain.
  • These same judges routinely rubber-stamp Trump’s anti-immigration policies and orders.
View/download the factsheet here.

Check back each month as we expose the harmful rulings of Trump’s judges and their impact on our communities.