The Faces of Justice Volume 3: LGBTQ+ State Supreme Court Justices Report
Welcome to The Faces of Justice report, a series that will explore the professional and personal diversity of our state courts by uplifting state court judges of various personal and professional backgrounds. Each report belongs to the Faces of Justice series, but is meant to serve as a standalone report that will examine the representation of the community it features. We hope these reports will be used as tools to advocate for greater diversity and representation on our state supreme courts.
At both the federal and state level, we have too many courts that have never had a single judge or justice who resembles a significant population that those courts serve. To fix such a problem, it must first be identified, and this report shows the work we still must do and points to how we can achieve those goals. This is just the beginning of our research into the diversity of our state courts. We will not stop this important work until this disappointing legacy becomes a historical anecdote.Rakim Brooks, AFJ and AFJ Action President