The Hatch Act of 1939: Frequently Asked Questions - Alliance for Justice

The Hatch Act of 1939: Frequently Asked Questions



Election Related Activities

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The Hatch Act of 1939 FAQ provides information on the limitations imposed on partisan political activities of federal employees and certain state and local government employees. It aims to ensure fair hiring, prevent coercion in the workplace, and prohibit the use of federal funds for political purposes. Federal employees are restricted from engaging in political activities while on duty, in federal facilities, in uniform, or using federal property. State and local employees have limitations on interfering in elections, coercing others for political contributions, and being candidates in partisan elections if their salary is fully funded by federal grants or loans. Some exceptions apply to certain state employees and nonprofit organizations treated as state or local agencies.

The FAQ also covers the impact of the Hatch Act on nonprofit organizations’ advocacy and lobbying, emphasizing compliance with disclosure laws, lobbying limits, and appropriate use of restricted funds.

NOTE: Legal counsel should be consulted to ensure compliance with the Hatch Act and other applicable rules.