Practical Guidance: What Nonprofits Need to Know About Lobbying in Illinois - Alliance for Justice

Practical Guidance: What Nonprofits Need to Know About Lobbying in Illinois




Lobbying, Lobbying Disclosure, State Law Resources

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Illinois’ Lobbyist Registration Act was significantly amended effective January 1, 2022.

This guide has been updated to reflect such amendments, but as of the date of this publication not all guidance resources put out by Illinois state and local officials have been updated to reflect the amendments. We will continue to update this resource as practicable.

Inside this Guide:

This Practical Guidance resource is designed to help your nonprofit organization determine if lobbying rules in Illinois might apply to your state or local work. It includes:

  • Summary of registration and reporting triggers
  • Key takeaways for nonprofit organizations
  • FAQs
  • Case study for a hypothetical small student voting rights organization
  • List of helpful additional resources

Learn more about our Practical Guidance series.