The Connection
Unlocking the power of nonprofit advocacy by providing essential guidance and insights for maximizing impact and navigating legal requirements
Unleash the advocacy advantage with our Resource Library, your go-to hub for hundreds of actionable how-to’s, insightful factsheets, and powerful tools that turn advocacy challenges into triumphs. Elevate your cause with confidence!
Unlocking the power of nonprofit advocacy by providing essential guidance and insights for maximizing impact and navigating legal requirements
Designed to help your nonprofit organization determine if lobbying rules in North Dakota might apply to your state or local work.
Designed to help your nonprofit organization determine if lobbying rules in Idaho might apply to your state or local work.
This guide helps nonprofit leaders maximize their advocacy by granting unused lobbying capacity from a (c)(3) to a (c)(4).
What Nonprofits and Foundations Need to Know to get funding and make more change possible.
501(c)(3)s and 501(c)(4)s—affiliated or otherwise—may work together to coordinate their advocacy activities to further their respective goals. While 501(c)(3)s may work together with 501(c)(4)s, they must structure their activities to ensure they do not jeopardize their tax-exempt status. This resource provides details on how 501(c)(3)s and 501(c)(4)s can work together.
By pooling resources, engaging in joint policy discussions and strategizing, coalitions can stretch dollars, draw on collective expertise, and maximize efforts to create a more just society.
Deciding whether—or when—to establish a 501(c)(4) organization is never an easy decision. Questions about purpose, scope, funding, perception, timing, and legal compliance all come into play. Here we present case studies that describe how three different groups, with different structures, needs, and pressures, answered the questions for themselves.
This chart offers an overview of the different types of organizations and what kinds of activities each may conduct and highlights some that they may not conduct. It is excerpted from our popular guide "The Connection: Strategies for Creating and Operating 501(c)(3)s, 501(c)(4)s, and Political Organizations."
What are the strategic questions to consider whether, when, and for what purposes to create a create a 501(c)(4)? Check out our new 501(c)(4) Strategy and Discussion Guide.
This handy, comprehensive booklet tackles an issue that concerns nonprofits and funders alike: how to take advantage of the unique capabilities of 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations to drive positive social and political change.