Bolder Advocacy Resource Library - Alliance for Justice

Bolder Advocacy Resource Library

Unleash the advocacy advantage with our Resource Library, your go-to hub for hundreds of actionable how-to’s, insightful factsheets, and powerful tools that turn advocacy challenges into triumphs. Elevate your cause with confidence!

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Democracy and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Democracy and Voting Rights

Democracy and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Democracy and Voting Rights


This toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of the legal guidelines for 501(c)(3) public charities working to protect democracy and voting rights.

Race and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Racial Justice and Immigrant Rights

Race and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Racial Justice and Immigrant Rights


This toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of the legal guidelines for 501(c)(3) public charities advocating for racial justice and immigrant rights.

Health and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Health and Disability Rights

Health and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Health and Disability Rights


This toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of the legal guidelines for 501(c)(3) public charities advocating for health and disability rights.

Power and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Labor and Economic Justice

Power and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Labor and Economic Justice


This toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of the legal guidelines for 501(c)(3) public charities engaging in labor and economic justice advocacy.

Gender and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Gender and Reproductive Justice

Gender and Equity: The Advocacy Playbook for Gender and Reproductive Justice


This toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of the legal guidelines for 501(c)(3) public charities engaging in gender and reproductive justice advocacy.

Ballot Measure Activities Exempt from California Disclosure Laws

Ballot Measure Activities Exempt from California Disclosure Laws



Nonprofit organizations active in state or local California ballot measure campaigns must comply both with federal tax law and California ballot measure disclosure laws. Federal tax law permits public charities to engage in a limited amount of ballot measure advocacy. Under California law, organizations engaging in certain activities to support or oppose a ballot measure may need to disclose their expenditures in support of or opposition to the ballot measure, as well as the names of donors whose contributions were used to support the organization’s ballot measure activities. However, the following activities are exempt from California’s disclosure laws and can be done by an organization without fear of triggering any special disclosure reports.