White House Continues Impressive Pace Of Judicial Nominations - Alliance for Justice

White House Continues Impressive Pace Of Judicial Nominations

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford

WASHINGTON, D.C., November 3, 2021 – This morning the White House announced its ninth slate of judicial nominees, continuing an impressive pace for filling the nation’s federal court vacancies. The slate includes a nominee to the Federal Circuit, eight district court nominees, and a nominee to the D.C. courts. 

Judge Leonard Stark, nominated to the Federal Circuit, already has a decade of experience as a federal district court judge in Delaware. He brings extensive legal experience to the role, and importantly creates an opportunity to bring diversity to Delaware’s district court, which currently consists entirely of white judges, only one of whom is a woman. 

The district court nominees in this slate will likewise bring important diversity to the courts. Among them is Judge Ruth Bermudez Montenegro, President Biden’s second Latina nominee to the Southern District of California. California’s population is nearly 40% Latinx but there is currently only one active Latina federal district court judge out of 61 seats. 

The nominees also include Evelyn Padin, who would be the second Latina to serve on New Jersey’s district court, Judge Cristina Silva, who would be the second Latina to serve in Nevada’s district court (and the third ever Hispanic judge on that court), and Judge Trina Thompson, who would be the only Black woman to serve on the Northern District of California. Thompson is Biden’s second such nominee in California, which currently has no active Black women out of 61 seats. 

Alliance for Justice President Rakim H.D. Brooks issued the following statement: 

“President Biden has already seen more judges confirmed in his first year than the past five presidents, and he shows no signs of slowing down. This slate advances his important commitment to bringing more professional and demographic diversity to our courts, including two more former public defenders and several women of color. As Tuesday’s elections demonstrated, time may be limited to ensure the Senate can continue confirming these nominees. It is imperative that this impressive pace continues.”