Washington Times: Transgender rights percolating at the Supreme Court, justices pressed to weigh in - Alliance for Justice

Washington Times: Transgender rights percolating at the Supreme Court, justices pressed to weigh in

In the News

Alex Swoyer


LGBTQ+ Americans

This excerpt is from a piece that originally ran on August 23, 2024.

Zack Ford, senior manager of press and editorial relations at Alliance for Justice, said LGBTQ issues will be “a major spotlight” for this upcoming term.

“Unfortunately, we’ve seen this conservative Court too often interfere with medical experts’ ability to provide the best care for patients. Every major medical organization agrees that transgender young people deserve affirming care, and it’s only those who falsely believe they can prevent people from being transgender who disagree,” Mr. Ford said.

“While there was reason to be optimistic this Court might recognize the importance of protecting transgender people from discrimination given its 2020 Bostock ruling, its recent decision to block the administration’s Title IX guidance that was consistent with that ruling is disturbing. It remains to be seen just how much more harm this Court might do this term to the rights and protections we thought we could take for granted,” he said.

Read the complete piece.