Rules of the Game: Ballot Measure Advocacy Takeaways from the 2024 BISC Conference - Alliance for Justice

Rules of the Game: Ballot Measure Advocacy Takeaways from the 2024 BISC Conference


Sarah Efthymiou, Tim Mooney


Ballot Measures

On this special edition from the BISC (Ballot Initiative Strategy Center) Road Ahead 2024 conference held in Las Vegas, we bring our takeaways from our sessions on ballot measure advocacy, including handling misinformation, tips on campaigning, garnering cross-ideological support and more.

Our Attorneys for this Episode:

Sarah Efthymiou
Tim Mooney

In this episode, we cover:

Handling misinformation in ballot measure campaigns 

  • Strategies to counter misinformation and disinformation.
  • Focus on highlighting correct information rather than amplifying incorrect details.

How campaigning against ballot measure proponents is different than candidates

  • Discussion on conservative influencer, Brian Haywood.
  • His influence on ballot initiatives in Washington.
  • How non-candidates can be criticized without impacting tax-exempt status for 501(c)(3)s

Cross-Ideological Support for Ballot Initiatives 

  • How ballot measure work reflects populist views and forms unlikely coalitions.
  • Examples from various states including Florida’s cross-ideological support for returning citizens’ rights.

Role of Funders in Advocacy 

  • The importance of funders in supporting grantees beyond financial contributions.
  • Tips on early funding and building infrastructure for effective campaigns.

Conference Resources and Recommendations