Rules of the Game: Ask Us Anything | Election Edition - Alliance for Justice

Rules of the Game: Ask Us Anything | Election Edition


Sarah Efthymiou, Susan Finkle-Sourlis, Tim Mooney


Election Related Activities, Influencing Legislation, Public Charity Advocacy


On this edition, we answer some of those “greatest hits” questions we always talk about in the intro every week. And since we have primaries and spring elections coming up, we decided to do an all-elections episode to get you ready for your election season advocacy.

Our Attorneys for This Episode:

Sarah Efthymiou
Susan Finkle Sourlis Tim Mooney

Frequently Asked Questions:

You asked. We answered.

  • “Can our 501(c)(3) invite a candidate to speak at our fundraising event?”
  • “In Oregon, we have 5 of our 7 Supreme Court seats up for election this spring, but since the candidates are nonpartisan I was wondering if our (c)(3) can endorse? Are they like ballot measures?”
  • “We know that 501(c)(3)s cannot encourage or engage in activity that would support or oppose a candidate for elected office. But what if the (c)(3) asked voters to vote uncommitted? Is that the same thing?”
