Reuters: Few Biden judicial nominees at Senate hearing as 'blue slip' concerns loom - Alliance for Justice

Reuters: Few Biden judicial nominees at Senate hearing as ‘blue slip’ concerns loom

In the News

Nate Raymond

This excerpt is from a piece that originally ran on March 22, 2023.

The Senate on Wednesday added to that record by confirming Biden’s 118th judicial nominee, voting 53-43 to make U.S. Magistrate Judge Gordon Gallagher a district court judge in Colorado.

But Kimberly Humphrey, the legal director for federal courts at the progressive group Alliance for Justice, said the confirmation process was “stagnating,” and she urged Democrats not to tolerate “a whiff of obstruction” from Republicans.

Biden has slowed down nominating judges, and Wednesday’s committee hearing featured fewer nominees than usual, just three and only two to lifetime positions, even though two other nominees have been pending the minimum 28 days to get a hearing.

Read the complete piece.