Nominee Readler Pushing “Morally Bankrupt” Detention Policy - Alliance for Justice

Nominee Readler Pushing “Morally Bankrupt” Detention Policy

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 21, 2018 – Following today’s motion filed by the Justice Department to modify the Flores agreement, a framework that prohibited lengthy detainment of immigrant children, AFJ President Nan Aron noted the department’s motion was led by DOJ official and Sixth Circuit judicial nominee Chad Readler:

“Once again Chad Readler is stepping up to push a morally bankrupt priority of the Trump Administration. His name appears at the top of a brief that argues for making it easier to detain immigrant children. Some of these children are literally being held in cages at the border. And Readler is doing this just days after arguing to eliminate health care coverage for people with preexisting conditions. We are deeply concerned that Readler would bring his harsh, extreme disregard for people’s rights to the Sixth Circuit if he were to be confirmed.”