New Judicial Nominees Reflect Robust Commitment to Diversity and Progress - Alliance for Justice

New Judicial Nominees Reflect Robust Commitment to Diversity and Progress

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford

WASHINGTON, D.C., November 15, 2023 – Today the Biden administration announced its 42nd slate of judicial nominees, including two impressive circuit court nominees and two nominees that will fill vacancies in a state represented by Republican senators. With these nominations, only two circuit court vacancies will remain that do not have pending nominees.

Nicole Berner, nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (Maryland), brings important diversity and legal experience to the bench. A Jewish, LGBTQ+ woman with triple citizenship (U.S., United Kingdom, and Israel), Berner has dedicated much of her career to representing labor unions and working people as SEIU General Counsel. As Alliance for Justice noted in a 2022 report, only about 6% of federal judges have backgrounds in labor law and economic justice. Berner also previously worked for Planned Parenthood Association of America bringing lawsuits to protect reproductive rights.

Adeel Mangi, nominated to the U.S Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (New Jersey), is a Muslim, South Asian dual citizen (U.S. and United Kingdom) born in Pakistan. He has extensive experience as a litigator and is renowned for his work representing the Muslim community in civil rights suits. Mangi would become only the third Muslim American to serve on the federal courts and the first ever to serve on any United States Court of Appeals.

Judge Amy Baggio, nominated to the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon, will join the impressive cadre of former public defenders President Biden has nominated as judges. Judges Cristal Brisco and Gretchen Lund, both nominated to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana, will fill two of the three remaining federal court vacancies in Indiana. All three district court nominees are already serving as judges on their states’ courts.

Alliance for Justice President Rakim H.D. Brooks issued the following statement:

“This is truly an exciting group of future federal judges. Nicole Berner brings desperately needed labor experience to our courts, while Adeel Mangi adds to this administration’s record of adding much-needed civil rights lawyers to the bench. Moreover, Berner and Mangi, as members of the LGBTQ+ and Muslim communities, will instantly help our courts better resemble the people they serve. This is America’s greatest promise: The best of the world come here, and no matter their backgrounds or faiths, they can live up to their greatest potentials. The American people are privileged to have two of our finest lawyers — Nicole Berner and Adeel Mangi — serve out these positions, uphold our laws and Constitution, and do justice.

“After three years of incredible progress, the Biden administration continues to nominate brilliant legal minds who can restore faith in our courts. We look forward to the Senate accelerating its confirmation process to catch up to the Trump administration and put these nominees to work serving on our federal courts.”

Press Contact

Zack Ford
Press Secretary
(202) 464-7370