National Law Journal: What Does the Path Forward for Stalled 3rd Circuit Nominee Adeel Mangi Look Like? - Alliance for Justice

National Law Journal: What Does the Path Forward for Stalled 3rd Circuit Nominee Adeel Mangi Look Like?

In the News

Avalon Zoppo

This excerpt is from a piece that originally ran on July 16, 2024.

In January, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 along party lines to recommend Mangi’s confirmation. His nomination has sat in limbo since then, awaiting a Senate vote.

“There are always times when senators are not available or aren’t coming back in, and that could happen in the future, too,” said Jake Faleschini, program director for the progressive group Alliance for Justice.


Faleschini, of Alliance for Justice, said withdrawing Mangi’s nomination would only encourage future unfounded attacks by Republicans similar to the ones lodged against Mangi.

“[Republicans] set an awful precedent on discouraging really important pro bono work by largely corporate attorneys, and to bow to this pressure would be to encourage these kinds of outlandish, Islamophobic and unprecedented attacks against future nominations,” Faleschini said.

Read the complete piece.