Nan Aron to Step Down as President of the Alliance for Justice
Washington, DC, January 8, 2021 — Iconic leader, Founder, and President of Alliance for Justice, Nan Aron, has announced that she will step down as President of AFJ, effective July 31, 2021. For forty-two years, Aron has been at the forefront of securing a judiciary that protects the constitutional rights of all individuals. During her tenure, she and AFJ’s extraordinary staff built the nation’s premiere organization focused on social justice and the courts. AFJ leads the charge against ultraconservative judicial nominees and has paved the way for hundreds of confirmations of well-qualified, fair-minded judges to take seats on the federal bench. AFJ recently launched its Building the Bench initiative to recruit demographically and experientially diverse candidates for the federal bench — a first of its kind effort for the progressive movement.
Aron led the creation of Bolder Advocacy, AFJ’s effort to strengthen the progressive infrastructure and its organizations by giving them knowledge, tools, and technical support to advocate more effectively and courageously. Bolder Advocacy staff in Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, and Houston are an unseen resource behind thousands of nonprofit advocacy organizations around the country.
“Nan has been a remarkable steward of AFJ’s mission, bringing brilliance, humility, and integrity to the work of the organization,” said Paulette Meyer, Chair of the AFJ Board of Directors. Her effective leadership and commitment to AFJ’s values have kept AFJ strong, relevant, and on a clear and steady course — one that positions it well for the future. We could not be more grateful for her original vision and exceptional leadership.”
Nan has created a vast network of coalitions, partnerships, and key relationships on Capitol Hill, and with philanthropic institutions and donors. AFJ’s 130 members include racial justice, women and civil rights organizations, unions, advocates for LGBTQ equality, and those defending consumers, the environment, and our democracy.
Nan remarked: “I am proud of the achievements of AFJ, and incredibly grateful for the wonderful staff and Board Members I’ve had the opportunity to work with over the past four decades. Despite the challenges and political dynamics of the past four years, I am optimistic about AFJ’s future and confident that the organization will continue to thrive as an important pillar of the progressive movement. It has been my honor to serve in this role and I look forward to welcoming my successor this summer.”
The Board of Directors has launched a national search for the next President of the Alliance for Justice, working in partnership with Russell Reynolds Associates. Inquiries about this announcement or the search should be directed to [email protected]