Lobbying Series Part 3 – Grassroots Lobbying  - Alliance for Justice

Lobbying Series Part 3 – Grassroots Lobbying 


Natalie Roetzel Ossenfort, , Quyen Tu


Our attorneys for this episode:

Jen Powis Quyen Tu Natalie Ossenfort


In this episode, our third in our on-going lobbying series, we’ll focus on grassroots lobbying for public charities that have taken the 501(h) election. 

Defining Grassroots Lobbying
  1. Communication
  2. with the General Public(not a legislator or member of the organization) 
  3. that Expresses a View about Specific Legislation 
  4. and contains a Call to Action

There are 4 specific types of calls to action.  A call to action must comprise one of the following actions 

  1. tell the recipient to contact a legislator; 
  2. provide information on how the recipient can contact her legislator, such as providing the phone number or address; 
  3. provide a mechanism for enabling the recipient to contact her legislator, such as a postcard, petition, or email form; or 
  4. identify a legislator who will vote on the legislation as being opposed to or undecided about the organization’s view on the legislation, a member of a legislative committee who will vote on the legislation, or the recipient’s legislator. 
Examples of Grassroots Lobbying

A graphic that says "We Need A COVID-Relief Package Now! We Need: Unemployment benefits, childcare funding, eviction protections, healthcare funding, emergency paid leave and sick days. Across the bottom is the information to call or text your senator.

Photo of a flyer that inspires a call in day to senators and reps for no cost-calls in prison.

Examples of Non-Grassroots Lobbying

Picture of a tweet from the Texas Tribune on eliminating Confederate Heroes Day
