Law360: In State Court Elections, Few Step Up To Take On Incumbents - Alliance for Justice

Law360: In State Court Elections, Few Step Up To Take On Incumbents

In the News

Andrew Strickler

This excerpt is from a piece that originally ran on October 4, 2022.

“It’s not just a hindrance, it’s basically impossible for most people to raise that kind of money, and that’s the reason you don’t see many entrants,” said Jake Faleschini of progressive judicial advocacy group Alliance for Justice, who has frequently worked as a judicial campaign manager and consultant.


Faleschini said he was “clear-eyed” about the incumbency advantage and the likelihood that uncontested races will continue to proliferate. But he argued that voters, now more than ever, are aware of judges’ influence on public life and the workings of government, a shift he predicted will lure more candidates into judicial elections.

“I do think we will see a surge in contested races across the country, at least where you have an engaged electorate, over the next decade,” he said.

Read the complete piece.