Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Will Be A Justice For All - Alliance for Justice

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Will Be A Justice For All

Press Release

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Zack Ford

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 7, 2022 – Today the Senate voted 53–47 to officially confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson as a justice on the Supreme Court. This makes her the first Black woman and first former public defender to serve on the Supreme Court. 

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson brings incredible experience and wisdom to the Court at a time when its legitimacy is flailing. Before she takes her seat next term, the Court is expected to rule in several major cases in ways that will restrict abortion access and reduce gun safety. Though her appointment does not change the conservative majority’s power on the Court, she will bring an important voice and perspective where it’s needed most. 

Alliance for Justice President Rakim H.D. Brooks issued the following statement: 

“The words ‘Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’ make today a historic day for our country. For Black women of all ages, there is one fewer glass ceiling standing between them and their ability to achieve their full potential. Even before she hears a single Supreme Court case, Justice Jackson has made an incredible impact on our nation. 

“President Biden is to be commended for his commitment to this milestone and for nominating such a brilliant and capable jurist. Senate Democrats likewise stood by Justice Jackson as she navigated a confirmation process punctuated by ugly, unfounded attacks that no nominee should ever have to face. Justice Jackson modeled what it means to ‘persevere,’ demonstrating an unflappable temperament that will serve the Court well. 

“Unfortunately, Justice Jackson’s honeymoon will be short. She is joining a Court with a reckless conservative majority wreaking havoc on our civil rights and the rule of law. Now, more than ever, we need a justice who has stood by people on their darkest days and who will be a justice for all, not just the wealthy and powerful. Everything she has done up to this point with her life tells us Ketanji Brown Jackson will be exactly that kind of justice. 

“Today, we celebrate this historic moment, but tomorrow we resume the fight to protect our democracy. We continue to brace for the incredible damage the Court’s conservative majority is expected to do before this term is over. We must also redouble our efforts to fill more than a hundred vacancies that remain on our lower courts, especially as Senate Republicans have once again threatened to block nominees if given the opportunity. Justice Jackson’s confirmation is a bright spot in a dark time, and the great work continues to ensure it is not an exception.”