Health Care Faces Another Big Supreme Court Test - Alliance for Justice

Health Care Faces Another Big Supreme Court Test

Press Release


Access to Healthcare

Press Contact

Zack Ford

WASHINGTON, DC, March 2, 2020 – Today the Supreme Court announced it would hear the Republican-led legal attack on the Affordable Care Act later this fall. While a decision made by Trump-appointed lower court judges that could dismantle the law must be challenged, the Court should not be used as a vehicle to strip health care from hundreds of millions of people. Alliance for Justice Director of Outreach Keith Thirion released the following statement:

“When Republicans controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress, they still couldn’t repeal the Affordable Care Act. They have instead once again turned to the courts to do their dirty work for them, and this is the third such attempt to gut this law to reach the Supreme Court. The Affordable Care Act protects millions of people, including those with pre-existing conditions, and Trump is dead-set on stripping away their coverage, even instituting a litmus test of only nominating judges committed to dismantling the law. We are counting on the Court to respect its own precedent and protect everybody’s access to health care instead of catering to the whims of those who believe it should be a privilege for only the wealthy and powerful.”