Form 990 For 501(c)(4)s
On this episode, we’ll share some tips for 501(c)(4) organizations, those nonprofits the IRS calls Advocacy or Social Welfare Organizations. Whether your public charity has an affiliated 501(c)(4) or you work for a stand-alone 501(c)(4), these nonprofits must provide the IRS and the public with their financial and programmatic information annually. And we’re going to talk about how c4s can comply with the IRS requirements, some of the new developments that allow for protection of donor disclosure, and some of the information we, the public, can glean from these reports.
Our Hosts for This Episode:
Tim Mooney Leslie Barnes Quyen Tu
- 501(c)(4) with annual gross revenue over $50,000 must file an information return with the IRS – either a Form 990 or Form 990 EZ.
- Starting with FY 2020 annual returns, 501(c)(4) organizations are no longer required to disclose their donors to the IRS or public.
- 501(c)(4) organizations must still provide copies of certain financial documents to the public upon request.
- Don’t forget other reporting requirements-state and federal lobbying and campaign finance requirements.
- These rules apply to 501(c)(5) and 501(c)(6)s as well.
- Give Me Your 990
- 501(c)(4) Reporting: Where Are Donors Disclosed
- IRS website: Public Disclosure and Availability FAQs
- IRS Instructions for Schedule C, Form 990
- Bolder Advocacy’s TA hotline: online form or 866-NP-LOBBY
- Email us at [email protected]
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