Department of Justice Now In Capable Hands - Alliance for Justice

Department of Justice Now In Capable Hands

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 10, 2021 – An overwhelming majority of senators voted today to confirm Merrick Garland as attorney general. Still to come are confirmations for President Biden’s other highly qualified nominees to the Department of Justice, including Lisa Monaco for deputy attorney general, Vanita Gupta for associate attorney general, and Kristen Clarke for assistant attorney general for civil rights. Alliance for Justice applauds today’s vote as the first of many.

Alliance for Justice President Nan Aron issued the following statement:

“After four years of Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr rolling back civil rights and protecting the president over the rule of law, we can finally restore dignity and independence to the Department of Justice. With a career in public service, including nearly a quarter century as a federal judge, Merrick Garland embodies the values that will get the department back on track and protect our civil rights and liberties. AFJ was proud to support Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court, and the nation is fortunate he will now be able to serve as our attorney general.

We have seen, however, that Senate Republicans are all too eager to subject other nominees, particularly nominees who are not white men, to baseless attacks. We look forward to the senators who voted to confirm Garland today likewise recognizing the distinguished qualifications of President Biden’s other nominations to the Department of Justice. Lisa Monaco, Vanita Gupta, and Kristen Clarke should be swiftly confirmed so they can join Attorney General Garland to advance the cause of justice.”