Helping You Advocate in the Time of COVID-19 - Alliance for Justice

Helping You Advocate in the Time of COVID-19


Bolder Advocacy

As the COVID-19 virus (or “coronavirus”) continues to impact every part of our lives, nonprofits and foundations have a critical role to play in protecting our rights and our communities in the face of unprecedented challenges and an ever-changing landscape. Bolder Advocacy is here to help! We’re hard at work creating new resources to help you navigate advocacy during a public health crisis. Below is a running list of helpful resources for your reference, and if you have more questions, ask us! We’re always available on our Technical Assistance line,  1-866-NP-LOBBY, or at [email protected]. Stay safe and healthy!

Nonprofit Advocacy and COVID-19

Ensuring Fair Elections During Public Health Emergencies

CARES Act Brings New “Universal” Charitable Deduction for 2020

The coronavirus has not stopped the 2020 Census

Is my organization eligible for relief from the CARES Act?

Nonprofits Should Protect Voters’ Rights from the Coronavirus

No Need to Rush – Your 990 Deadline is Now Extended

Private Foundations Engaging in Direct Advocacy Amid Disaster