Courthouse News: Judge rules San Francisco lifetime lease ordinance not a taking, but potentially unconstitutional - Alliance for Justice

Courthouse News: Judge rules San Francisco lifetime lease ordinance not a taking, but potentially unconstitutional

In the News

Maria Dinzeo




This excerpt is from a piece that originally ran on October 25, 2022.

Alliance for Justice, a progressive judicial advocacy group that filed an amicus brief in the case, said Tuesday that they were pleased that Seeborg dismissed the Pakdels’ regulatory and physical takings claims.

“Alliance for Justice is pleased to see this ruling from Chief Judge Seeborg dismissing claims that tried to take advantage of the Supreme Court’s anti-union ruling from last year,” a spokesperson said in an email, referring to Cedar Point. “Nobody deserves to lose their home just because their landlord hopes to make more money. We will continue to watch this case and hope for a ruling that fully protects tenants’ rights.” Alliance for Justice and other organizations on the brief were represented by Democracy Forward.

Read the complete piece.