CNN en Español: The Supreme Court could put a stop to the student debt relief program - Alliance for Justice

CNN en Español: The Supreme Court could put a stop to the student debt relief program

In the News

John Carlos Lopez



This excerpt is from a piece that originally ran on February 28, 2023.

CNN en Español: Como te ayudaría si la corte suprema decide cancelar la deuda estudiantil?

Maria Martinez, Senior Manager of Outreach & Membership: Me ayudaría bastante. Simplemente porque yo vivo sola, pago mi renta, tengo otras deudas como tarjetas de crédito, y no es solamente eso, si no que yo también veo por mi mamá. Ella fue deportada debajo la administración de Trump. Entonces ella está en Mexico y yo soy la que la ayuda con todos los pagos de la casa. Como sea, es muy difícil para mi tratar de pagar todas las cuentas que tengo y mas aparte preocuparme de esta deuda estudiantil que fácilmente la corte suprema puede decidir “sabes que, vamos a eliminar toda esta deuda.” Porque la verdad la mayoría de las personas que tienen la deuda estudiantil son Latinos, afro americanos — personas que venimos de comunidades minorías o venimos de familias pobres y lo que queremos es salir adelante.

CNN en Español: How would canceling student debt help you? 

Maria Martinez, Senior Manager of Outreach & Membership: It would help me out significantly! I live alone, pay my own rent, I’m paying off credit card debt, and not only that but I also [financially] support my mom. She was deported under the Trump administration, so she’s now in Mexico and I have to help her with home bills as well. It is very difficult for me to juggle all these payments and still have to worry about my student debt. The Supreme Court could easily decide to cancel all student debt. The majority of people who have accumulated student debt are Latino, Black, and come from other minority communities – a lot of us come from low-income families and all we want to do is come out of this and succeed.

Watch the complete segment.