Cloture Vote Advances “Wholly Unsuitable” Nominee - Alliance for Justice

Cloture Vote Advances “Wholly Unsuitable” Nominee

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C., October 5, 2018 – Following today’s cloture vote in the Senate, which advances Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a final confirmation vote in the next day, AFJ President Nan Aron released the following statement:

“Today a majority of Republican Senators signaled that they believe a wholly unsuitable person, Brett Kavanaugh, should be advanced to the next step toward confirmation to the United States Supreme Court. They did this in spite of credible sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh, sending a harsh message to all those brave survivors who came forward.  They did it in spite of Kavanaugh’s volatile behavior, which bespeaks a complete lack of judicial temperament. And they did it in spite of his numerous misleading statements under oath, which shows a complete lack of respect for the integrity of the confirmation hearing process and the Senate’s own responsibility to advise and consent. Today’s vote is not the final verdict on his confirmation; Senators still have time to consult their consciences in the next day as they decide whether to elevate this deeply flawed nominee to a lifetime seat on our nation’s highest court.”