Bolder Advocacy Launches New Social Media Guide to Help Nonprofits Navigate Public Policy in the Digital Age - Alliance for Justice

Bolder Advocacy Launches New Social Media Guide to Help Nonprofits Navigate Public Policy in the Digital Age

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 21, 2022 – Today, Bolder Advocacy announced the release of a new guide entitled Influencing Public Policy in the Digital Age, dedicated to addressing the many complex legal and advocacy challenges nonprofit organizations face while conducting digital advocacy. 

“Digital advocacy has become an essential tool for nonprofits seeking to get their message out and affect change in the world. Social media can maximize the way organizations can connect with communities and engage in the democratic process,” said Abby Levine, Director of Alliance for Justice’s Bolder Advocacy Program. “Our updated guide is designed to help organizations navigate the many complex tax and election laws and regulations to more effectively and confidently engage in this form of advocacy.”

Bolder Advocacy understands that nonprofits tend to find themselves facing an increasing array of laws and regulations when using the internet and social media. The guide begins with an overview of the activities that 501(c)(3)s, 501 (c)(4)s, and tax-exempt political organizations can engage in, specifically focusing on the federal requirements for nonprofit organizations. Additionally, the guide provides an accompanying set of reference materials, mock-posts to assist nonprofits with content creation, and a comprehensive FAQ guide both by organizational and social media type.

“We believe Influencing Public Policy in the Digital Age has been updated at a particularly crucial time because in our world of accelerating change and evolving political and policy environments, advocacy matters now more than ever,” said Allen Mattison, the guide’s author and partner at Trister, Ross, Schadler & Gold.

“At a time when COVID has made traditional, on the ground organizing nearly impossible, nonprofit organizations need to understand how they can use digital media to effectively mobilize key target audiences to achieve their organizations missions.”

Click here to read and/or download “Influencing Public Policy in the Digital Age.”