Bolder Advocacy Cited in Nonprofit Disclosure Decision - Alliance for Justice

Bolder Advocacy Cited in Nonprofit Disclosure Decision


Alliance for Justice’s Bolder Advocacy program is proud to be a source of information and resources that allow the nonprofit advocacy community to be confident in speaking out to advance their missions. We are delighted to see that the federal judiciary also relies on our expertise. In a court decision issued on September 30, 2019, the court cites Bolder Advocacy resources several times as it sets forth the law that applies to nonprofit advocacy and how 501(c)(3)s and 501(c)(4)s can work together.

Plaintiffs in the case, Citizens Union of the City of New York, et al. v. The Attorney General of the State of New York, included the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, the New York Civil Liberties Union, Lawyer’s Alliance for New York, Nonprofit Coordinating Committee as well as Citizens Union of New York City. Alliance for Justice also joined the Institute for Free Speech and the Philanthropy Roundtable on an amicus brief asserting that the challenged requirements will chill speech and threaten the venerable American practice of anonymous charitable giving.

In its decision, the court removed obstacles found to be unconstitutional infringements on the rights to freedom of association and speech by invalidating the two provisions. It is unclear whether New York State will appeal the decision.

The Bolder Advocacy resources cited in the decision can be found here: