Attempt to Strong-Arm Dr. Blasey Ford “Despicable” - Alliance for Justice

Attempt to Strong-Arm Dr. Blasey Ford “Despicable”

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 21 – In response to the decision by Republican leadership to schedule a Judiciary Committee vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination for Monday, before negotiations for Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony have been concluded, AFJ President Nan Aron released the following statement:

“This desperate attempt to use strong-arm tactics to pressure Dr. Blasey Ford is a despicable attack on a sexual assault survivor who has chosen to speak the truth.  With every day that passes, Republicans make it more clear that they have no respect for the truth or for what is morally or ethically right in this situations. Women are watching, and they will not forget this sickening spectacle.”