Anti-LGBTQ Attorney Matthew Kacsmaryk Confirmed as Federal Judge - Alliance for Justice

Anti-LGBTQ Attorney Matthew Kacsmaryk Confirmed as Federal Judge

In the News

Published in the Advocate

Matthew Kacsmaryk is among the most anti-LGBTQ judicial nominees put forward by the Trump-Pence administration,” said a statement issued by Human Rights Campaign Legal Director Sarah Warbelow. “He has a long history of virulently anti-LGBTQ opinions and positions — including his deeply disturbing opposition to same-sex marriage, his vocal hostility towards legal protections for gender identity and sexual orientation, and his shocking refusal to recognize the basic humanity of transgender people. Kacsmaryk fails the basic expectation of impartiality and commitment to equality under the law that we demand of every member of the bench. The Human Rights Campaign will continue to raise the alarm about Kacsmaryk and future nominees who refuse to protect the rights of all Americans.”

“Matthew Kacsmaryk’s confirmation is going to cause suffering to millions of people in Texas, including many vulnerable individuals,” added Alliance for Justice President Nan Aron. “Kacsmaryk harbors strong hostility to LGBTQ people and to women’s rights. Now, not only will he have the opportunity to curtail equal rights for millions within these communities, but individual women and LGBTQ people who come into his courtroom seeking justice will have to face a judge who has expressed contempt for them. As a judge, Matthew Kacsmaryk is going to ruin lives, and there is no way to minimize that very sad fact.”

Read the full article at the Advocate