Alliance for Justice Renews Calls for Justice Thomas’s Resignation  - Alliance for Justice

Alliance for Justice Renews Calls for Justice Thomas’s Resignation 

WASHINGTON, D.C., August 14, 2023 – Last week, ProPublica published its latest bombshell reporting, identifying a total of 38 known but previously undisclosed vacations Justice Clarence Thomas has taken on the dime of conservative billionaires, including not only Harlan Crow but also Paul “Tony” Novelly, H. Wayne Huizenga, and David Sokol. These connections, made through the exclusive Horatio Alger Association, ensured that Thomas was rewarded for his position with a lavish lifestyle by those with an obvious interest in the direction of the Court. 

In the wake of these latest revelations, calls for Thomas to resign have only grown. It could not be clearer that Thomas has profited from his position, a point that is harder to deny with each new bombshell. But even the initial stories were enough to warrant these calls. Combined with additional reporting about Justice Samuel Alito’s own lavish benefits, there is an urgent and ever-growing imperative for Congress to pass robust Supreme Court ethics reforms that ensure this level of corruption can never go unnoticed again. 

Alliance for Justice renews its call for Justice Thomas’s resignation, standing hand-in-hand with those increasingly doing the same. 

Alliance for Justice President Rakim H.D. Brooks issued the following statement: 

“It seems that there is no limit to Justice Thomas’s corruption. Since ProPublica’s reporting on his abuses of office earlier this year, Alliance for Justice has called for Thomas to step down. Many more have now joined the cause because we all understand we cannot trust Thomas to administer justice while simultaneously profiting from his position. A single example of his abuse of power was enough to undermine his credibility. But the excess now revealed is so damning that his corruption and the erosion of the rule of law cannot be denied.  

“Justice Thomas has done untold harm to the rights of the American people over his decades on the bench, and his concurrences make clear just how much further he is willing to go. To tolerate his continued presence on the Court is to endorse unlimited corruption by the highest Court in the land.”