AFJ Encourages Congressional Action on Court Accountability - Alliance for Justice

AFJ Encourages Congressional Action on Court Accountability

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 10, 2024 – Today, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced articles of impeachment for Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito related to their unethical behavior that has come to light over the past year. This includes their failure to disclose lavish gifts they’ve received from conservative billionaires and their refusal to recuse themselves in cases in which they have a known bias.

The impeachment filings follow a letter sent yesterday by Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse and Ron Wyden asking Attorney General Merrick Garland to criminally investigate Thomas’s financial disclosure violations and false statements regarding them.

Alliance for Justice Vice President of Strategy Keith Thirion issued the following statement:

“Alliance for Justice supports Congress taking action to bring transparency and accountability to a United States Supreme Court rife with corruption. Fifteen months ago, AFJ called on Justice Thomas to resign and recently called for an investigation into Justice Alito’s recusal violations. Repeatedly, the Court has utterly failed to police itself. Congress is correct to recognize the importance of formally investigating the rot that has infected our federal courts. AFJ applauds Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s leadership on this important issue.”