AFJ Commemorates Inauguration of President Joe Biden - Alliance for Justice

AFJ Commemorates Inauguration of President Joe Biden

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 20, 2021 – On the occasion of the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States, Alliance for Justice President Nan Aron issued the following statement:

“Today is joyous occasion for a beleaguered nation. We officially close the chapter on a president whose cruelty and selfishness undermined the very foundation of our democracy. Now the great work begins to repair the damage he wrought and ensure through accountability a presidency like his never again befalls our great nation.

President Joe Biden has already charted a new course for us. Much of the institutional damage from the Trump administration can be undone — with a renewed focus on human rights and support for those who most need it. The legacy of Trump’s 233 judicial appointments will unfortunately be with us for decades to come, threatening the progressive legislation and policies we so desperately need.

We continue to be heartened by Biden’s commitment to prioritizing judicial nominations like no other Democratic administration has in modern times. Both he and Vice President Kamala Harris have experience on the Senate Judiciary Committee and know how important our courts are. Through the work of AFJ’s Building the Bench program, we have equipped the administration with hundreds of forward-thinking, well-qualified potential judges ready to be nominated immediately. We look forward to working with both the White House and Senate to secure their swift confirmation.

The specter of the last four years may linger in our memories, but the hope of a more promising tomorrow will soon win out.”