Nation’s First Trans Man Judge Confirmed in New York  - Alliance for Justice

Nation’s First Trans Man Judge Confirmed in New York 

In the News

New York

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 9, 2023 – Alliance for Justice applauds the confirmation today of Seth Marnin, who will serve on the New York State Court of Claims. Marnin becomes New York’s first transgender judge and the first transgender man in the country to serve as a judge. (Two transgender women, Andi Mudryk and Victoria Kolakowski, serve as judges in California.) 

Seth Marnin currently serves as the Director of Training & Education, Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action at Columbia University. Prior to his current role, Marnin was the founder and principal of Workplace Strategies, advising and guiding non-profit organizations on a range of legal issues. Marnin was the Vice President of Civil Rights at the Anti-Defamation League. Prior to that, he litigated employment discrimination cases at Outten & Golden, LLP. He is a member of the New York City Bar Association. 

Jake Faleschini, Legal Director for State Courts at Alliance for Justice, issued the following statement: 

“We have made great strides in diversifying our nation’s courts to ensure our judges resemble the people they serve, but there is always more work to be done. It is an auspicious moment during Pride Month to celebrate the confirmation of Seth Marnin as the first trans man to become a judge in our nation’s history. With legislatures attacking the transgender community across the country, it is essential that we ensure they have the very same opportunities to take part in interpreting and upholding the law as those who might wield it against them. We applaud Marnin’s achievements and thank Gov. Hochul for making this important nomination and the New York State Senate for voting to confirm him.”