Al Día: U.S. Senate confirms the first and youngest Latino to powerful D.C. Appeals Court - Alliance for Justice

Al Día: U.S. Senate confirms the first and youngest Latino to powerful D.C. Appeals Court

In the News

Carlos Nogueras

District of Columbia

This excerpt is from a piece that originally ran on May 19, 2023.

The United States Senate moved to confirm Bradley N. García to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, making him the first Latino to serve on that bench in its 200-year history, Roll Call reported Monday. 

García, now 36, was also the youngest nominee for the circuit court before being confirmed by President Joe Biden. In a 53-40 vote, García drew bipartisan favorability in advance of his confirmation. 


Alliance for Justice, a national progressive organization with 150 groups under its umbrella, and the Hispanic National Bar Association, also backed García’s nomination. 

Read the complete piece.