Roll Call: Senate confirms Bradley N. Garcia to appeals court in DC - Alliance for Justice

Roll Call: Senate confirms Bradley N. Garcia to appeals court in DC

In the News

Ryan Tarinelli

District of Columbia

This excerpt is from a piece that originally ran on May 15, 2023.

The Senate confirmed Justice Department official Bradley N. Garcia to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Monday, a move that would make him the first Latino judge on the influential court.

Garcia, 36, is the youngest circuit court nominee confirmed under President Joe Biden after the 53-40 vote. And he is the Senate’s fourth confirmation of a Biden pick for the D.C. Circuit, which handles many regulatory cases with a national sweep on environmental, labor, immigration and other policy issues.


Garcia, a former law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, currently is a deputy assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel. He previously worked at O’Melveny & Myers law firm.

Progressive groups such as Alliance for Justice backed Garcia’s nomination, along with former prosecutors and the Hispanic National Bar Association.

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