AFJ Partners with Midwest Academy to Provide Trainings to Members - Alliance for Justice

AFJ Partners with Midwest Academy to Provide Trainings to Members

Press Release

Press Contact

Zack Ford
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 3, 2023 – Alliance for Justice is proud to announce a new partnership with Midwest Academy, a training institute committed to advancing the struggle for social, economic, and racial justice. Over the course of the next year, this partnership will allow AFJ’s member organizations and subscribers to our Bolder Advocacy program to participate in multiple trainings and consultations with Midwest Academy focused on organizing around advocacy for justice and management within organizing organizations. 

This partnership builds on AFJ’s commitment through its Bolder Advocacy program to help advocacy nonprofits reach their full potential and through its Justice program to bring together a diverse coalition to advocate together for equality under the law. 

“At a time when it can feel like democracy is on the brink, it’s exciting to build new partnerships that will benefit the work so many people are doing across the country,” said Alliance for Justice President Rakim H.D. Brooks. “Alliance for Justice’s strength has always been the synergy we foster with other advocacy organizations, and Midwest Academy’s commitment to the infrastructure of social justice organizations is the perfect fit to support the work of our partners. We look forward to the difference our members will be able to make with this extra tool on their toolbelt.” 

Over the next year, Midwest Academy will offer three multi-day virtual trainings for AFJ members and network partners, while also providing additional opportunities for national organizers to meet with their staff for follow-up discussion and learning. 

“We, at Midwest Academy, are so excited to partner with the Alliance for Justice as a leading progressive judicial advocacy group working with its 150 members and more than 3000 progressive organizations in the United States,” said Yomara Velez, Midwest Academy Co-Executive Director. “We believe this partnership is crucial to preserving democracy and building the power needed to win important victories in the coming decades. This ground-breaking partnership will provide an important landscape for both organizing and community-grounded advocacy which is so crucial to building a more just, open, and democratic society. With over 50 years of experience, Midwest Academy brings a strong commitment to strategic, issue-based, community organizing that centers those most impacted by social injustice at a time when we are up against unprecedented threats to humanity. As we continue to build power, we know that this symbiotic partnership will yield important and lasting social changes. We are committed to working together to build a better world for future generations. En la unión está la fuerza, there is strength in unity!” 

“It’s a promising time for Alliance for Justice as the organization begins implementing its bold new strategic plan,” said Alliance for Justice Board Chair, Paulette Meyer. “There is no doubt that partnering with Midwest Academy will take AFJ’s advocacy, outreach, and capacity-building assistance to a new level. AFJ’s members and partners will value having access to their talented organizers, trainers and resources, as we all work to strengthen the advocacy potential of the progressive movement.” 

“The partnership with Alliance for Justice, the remarkable organization working on bringing real justice to this country and supporting social change groups, and Midwest Academy, celebrating 50 years of training organizers for freedom and dignity for all, is a real cause for celebration,” said Heather Booth, Board of Directors Chair of Midwest Academy. “This joint project should help prepare social change groups to act strategically and build the power of our movement for a more just world.” 

AFJ will inform member organizations of the training schedule in the near future as the details are solidified.