Rao’s Writings Are Disqualifying
Washington, D.C. , January 14, 2019 – AFJ has learned, and BuzzFeed and Mother Jones today reported, that DC Circuit Court nominee Neomi Rao is on record with writings that blame sexual assault survivors for being attacked, shame women for seeking equality in the workplace, suggest that Yale University lowered its standards to admit people of color, and demean LGBTQ people and environmentalism. AFJ President Nan Aron released the following statement:
“Neomi Rao’s views are completely disqualifying for someone seeking a lifetime seat on one of our nation’s highest courts. The Trump Administration in the past has tried, and failed, to ram through nominees with hostile writings and activities like this in their records — people like Thomas Farr and Ryan Bounds. Senators, including Republicans such as Tim Scott, have stood up and said such nominations are unacceptable. We fully expect all senators to reject the Rao nomination.”
Rao was nominated in 2018 for the D.C. Circuit seat formerly occupied by Brett Kavanaugh, who has since been confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The D.C. Circuit is often a springboard to a Supreme Court nomination. Like other federal court nominees who were not confirmed by the end of the last Congress, Rao will need to be renominated this year if the White House still wants to place her on the federal bench.
Rao’s past writings include the following quotes:
“And if [a woman] drinks to the point where she can no longer choose, well, getting to that point was part of her choice.”
“Over the past decades, Yale has dedicated itself to a relatively firm meritocracy, which drops its standards only for a few minorities, some legacies and a football player here or there.”
“The multiculturalists are not simply after political reform. Underneath their touchy-feely talk of tolerance, they seek to undermine American culture.”
“Paglia, however, accurately describes the dangerous feminist idealism which teaches women that they are equal. Women believe falsely that they should be able to go anywhere with anyone.”