Rachel Bracken - Alliance for Justice

Rachel Bracken

Senior Regional State Courts Manager

Rachel is a Senior Regional State Courts Manager with the Justice Team. In this position, she manages AFJ/AFJ Action’s involvement in state supreme court justice selection and supports in-state coalitions in Ohio and throughout the Southeast. Prior to joining the Justice Team, Rachel was on AFJ’s Outreach Team where she helped create AFJ’s State Court Justice Project and launch AFJ Action’s State Courts Matter initiative. She also coordinated outreach to AFJ’s networks of law professors, attorneys, grasstops, and political donors to advocate about the importance of the federal judiciary protecting constitutional rights and freedoms.

Rachel began organizing in Virginia for the 2017 Democratic Coordinated Campaign increasing voter turnout in Petersburg, VA by 48%. She previously interned with Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington and the Capital Defender Office of Northern Virginia. Rachel has been living in the district for over seven years. She graduated cum laude from American University with a B.A. in Justice and Law, concentrating in criminal justice.