Lights, Camera, Change: A Filmmaker’s Guide to Private Foundation Funding for Social Impact - Alliance for Justice

Lights, Camera, Change: A Filmmaker’s Guide to Private Foundation Funding for Social Impact

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Introducing Lights, Camera, Change: A Filmmaker’s Guide to Private Foundation Funding for Social Impact—a comprehensive resource that empowers social justice filmmakers and creatives to navigate the complexities of foundation funding. Securing grants can be daunting for filmmakers, sometimes hindered by federal regulations on lobbying and political messaging.

With the aim of making a difference through film, this essential guide equips filmmakers and creatives with the necessary information and guidance to navigate the world of foundation funding. While it primarily targets non-501(c)(3) tax-exempt entities with compelling educational or charitable stories to share, 501(c)(3) filmmaking organizations and those within public charities can also benefit.

Readers Of This Guide Will Learn:

  • Tips to apply for grant funding
  • How to navigate the rules around lobbying, voter registration, and campaign intervention to use foundation-funded films for maximum impact
  • How partners can use your foundation-funded films
  • How to report to funders on the activities supported by grant funding