Private Foundations Engaging in Direct Advocacy Amid Disaster - Alliance for Justice

Private Foundations Engaging in Direct Advocacy Amid Disaster



Private and Public Foundation Advocacy

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As health officials around the globe work to contain the spread of the coronavirus, policy makers are responding to the economic crisis left in its wake. It is essential that our elected officials and business leaders seek public input from the communities hardest hit. Now is the time for bold voices and bold solutions.

Many foundations are already supporting the efforts of their grantees to ensure those communities hardest hit are heard by our leaders. At the same time, many foundations themselves want to weigh in on policy matters. This resource is geared to support and encourage those who want to engage in direct advocacy themselves during this time.

Although private foundations cannot lobby themselves (but of course their grantees can!), they can engage in many policy activities that do not meet the definition of lobbying. Here are a few tips for those private foundations that want to join sign-on letters, leverage relationships with decisionmakers, and speak out publicly on relief efforts that lift up solutions your grantees and their communities have developed.