In the wake of President Trump’s decision to rescind DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), many foundations (including many of AFJ’s funders) have been condemning the decision. Their willingness to speak out, and in many instances, urge the Administration to reverse course or Congress to act to protect the Dreamers, is advocacy in action!
Not only is this bold advocacy– by both private and community foundations–legal, it illustrates how advocacy is a necessary tool to accomplish their missions. As these foundations recognized, criticizing a decision by an executive branch official does not constitute lobbying under federal tax law. And, publicly expressing a view about what you want to happen next—even if you say Congress must pass a law—is also not likely to be lobbying. For more details about your foundation can do, read Private Foundations May Advocate and Public Foundations and Advocacy. Still have questions? Call our technical assistance hotline at 866-NP-LOBBY!
Read the statements by bold foundations here:
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blue Shield of California
California Community Foundation
The California Endowment
California philanthropic leaders issued a joint statement
The California Wellness Foundation
Caring for Colorado
East Bay Community Foundation
Ford Foundation
Heising-Simons Foundation
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
Ms. Foundation for Women
Raikes Foundation
San Francisco Foundation
Sierra Health Foundation
Weingart Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Are we missing yours? We will keep adding to this list, so send other statements to Alexa Pinto at [email protected].